Friday, June 12, 2015

Yes Woman, learning to say no.

Have you ever seen Yes Man with Jim Carey? I sometimes end up being the female equivalent. When people say can you do that, I almost always say yes, yes I can. I was taught that missing an opportunity to get your hands into something new or something that could improve your life is a giant mistake.
This wouldn't be a giant problem except awesome opportunities and challenges I can fix come at me quite often. I currently am running a school organization project, I have an internship, I have a job, I am planning my wedding and we are house hunting. On top of that I have weird, time-consuming hobbies.
I could probably work into the night like the old days and accomplish way more, but I am engaged and I actually live with my fiance, so roughly the past two years have been a coffee fueled, stomach lining rotting, panic induced blur.
Do I regret it? Nah. Do I think I need to rein myself in? Yes.
How do I do that though? How do I pick and choose what to meld into my future? How do I balance work and hobbies and my marriage?
I would like to believe that once I graduate next semester things will be different, but considering I am currently working on two different eco campaign ideas, helping to build a company from the ground up, working slowly on new movie ideas with my friends  and planning to have children in the next couple years...I'm doomed unless I can learn to access, gauge and say no to some things.
Can I do that?

          Yea...we'll see....


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