About Me

My name is Candice and I'm a colorful mess. I love a lot of things and because of that my "lifestyle" is pretty random. The upside though is if you stick with me, you'll see all kinds of interesting things; food, clothes DIY, books and so much more! Plus my random philosophical chunks where I analyse the human race. Who wants to miss that?
I am in my last semester of college at 25. Could be worse...could be better.
I am going for Public Relations and thank goodness I am good at it, because my mom totally picked my major. 
I am married, which continues to shock people, but my husband, Matt, is the coolest. 
My hobbies change CONSTANTLY, but I will always love cooking new foods, reading books and trying new crafts.
Hope you don't read one of my posts and totally hurl!
Thanks for reading all of this gibberish...

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